Creating New Products from Materials
In Japan, there are many powerful companies with unique technologies and industry-leading materials and construction methods. And there are certainly many opportunities to create revolutionary products that go far beyond conventional wisdom.
In order to create a new product, it is necessary to create a product idea that can realize newly added value from materials and construction methods, to visualize it with design, and to shape it with solid engineering backed up by technology.
From Material to Product
- Creating New Products From Materials -
Our experts with long industry experiences create product ideas in collaboration with your engineers by taking advantage of your advanced material technology. On top of that, we provide consistent support for commercialization through creative design by Technicon Design, which is our design department, and through engineering by Segula Technologies. Through this initiative, we support material manufacturers with innovative material technology so that they can utilize their materials to develop innovative products and propose them to the industry.
In addition, we will support the promotion to your potential client companies by utilizing our network.
In the midst of a dramatic shift in mobility patterns, existing hierarchies and supply chains can change drastically with industry-leading players dynamically changing.
「Let’s shape the future together」